Jalynn Ponder

Relax, I Got Your Books

Bookkeeping Services for Small Business Owners

How Can I Help You?

Understanding Your Finances

Most small business owners are more focused on selling their product or service and don't have to time to learn all the details of bookkeeping and making sure it's right. I can help them by not only doing the books for them, but interpreting the reports so they understand the information being presented to them.

Maintain Your Business Bookkeeping Needs

Some business owners do have knowledge about how to accurately maintain the books, but they'd rather spend their time on doing what they enjoy more and achieving their success goals by delegating the task to a bookkeeping professional.

Organize Messy/Inaccurate Bookkeeping

Maybe the business owner attempted to maintain their books and are now stuck in a messy situation. I can help them clean, organize, and maintain the books so they don't have to worry about their CPA or taxes.

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